Concussion Help Canada is an educational service aimed at making the rehabilitation process easier to
understand and navigate for concussion patients.
A concussion can be caused by a hit to the head, neck or face. A hit or impact to the body or fall that is jarring enough can also cause concussion. A concussion occurs when the brain moves quickly back and forth within the cranium due to the forces of impact.
signs and symptoms
detailed explanation of concussion
what to do in the first few days after concussion?
Please note about the above image:
The Do's: I would like to note that even though this is a very good resource there is new research to show that starting with 15 minutes of light walking activity 24 hours after concussion, and not prolonging activity, can give you a better chance for recovery.
The Don'ts: I would also like to note that though it may be good advice for some to reduce the use of electronic devices it is not the screens that are the issue. It is the overload of the visual system which occurs after concussion that you need to try to reduce. This overload causes reduced endurance and may bring on other symptoms. The cause of this overload may include reading books, trying to follow and take part in conversations, going into brightly light and busy environments and is not limited to electronic devices.