Recently I had the pleasure of speaking with Evelyn at SubKit to complete an interview for their Go Solo website. This company likes to meet and interview entrepreneurs about how they started their business and what they are doing. They work with business to as an educational and referral tool to build their brands.
I got to tell them all about my Massage Therapy practice, why and how I started Mindful Thyme Wellness Centre, how I founded Concussion Help Canada and wrote Concussion Help Diary and Post-Concussion Help Diary.
Check out my interview by clicking below.
If you have experienced a concussion or are experiencing persistent symptoms after a concussion the Concussion Help Diary series is available for purchase on Amazon.
Instagram: @subkit
LinkedIn: @subkit
Twitter: @wearesubkit
#RegisteredMassageTherapy #MassageTherapyBarrieOntario #MassageTherapy #GoSolo #SubKit #MindfulThymeWellnessCentre #LisaJespersenRMT #BarrieMassage #BarrieSmallBusiness #Entrepreneur #MassageTherapyBarrieOntario #MassageTherapy #GoSolo #SubKit #MindfulThymeWellnessCentre #LisaJespersenRMT #BarrieMassage #BarrieSmallBusiness #Entrepeneur #BarrieOntario #Barrie